Wednesday, August 27, 2008


My boys love to wrestle. These are some of their pictures from earlier this year. This top picture is Dylan, Cade and yes...even Jack Jack with Coach Douglas and some other boys on their team. Jack isn't on the team yet..not til he's 4, but don't tell him that. He is always jumping in if he can. They are excited to start it up again, but the season doesn't start until March. In the meantime Dylan wants to play baseball and Cade wants to play soccer.

Above is Dylan in action.

Cade in his wrestling stance waiting for the whistle.

Jack in Cade's uniform showing us his stance. Jack wrestles his brothers at home and let me tell you...he gets what we call..."hasty mad".


Sharlet said...

I LOVE the first wrestling picture. They are all great though. Your boys crack me up always wrestling each other and everyone else they can. Just as long as Dylan continues portecting the girls, we're good.

Melissa said...

How fun!! I'm just trying to picture you as the only girl in this house full of boys! Emily starts soccer next's her first time and I'm so excited!

Bobbi Phillips said...

I'm so glad you've got your blog up and if I could just get mine started. Todd keeps bugging me to get one going, especially since you've got yours up. You know how he likes to be "one up" on everything.

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are adorable...what fun!

The Railsback's said...

I miss you guys, at least this way we can keep in touch!! I hope all is well

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I so glad you finally joing the blogging world! I've been checking every once in awhile to see if you posted anything and glad to see you have! Hope all is well out in Arizona! We miss the ward so bad!!

Anonymous said...

Hey...I checked out your friends' site...and my head is still cow...she's quite the bargain hunter. If you just looked up her website every week you could definitely save a LOT of money. You just need to subscribe to the paper to get the coupons.

ilm3ib said...

Your blog is adorable... LOVE The wrestling pictures. Wow, I think my boys would be naturally good... they fight all the time anyway! hahaha Cute pictures! Great job!