Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I thought I'd start by posting some of my boy's closest friends. Lilly and Grace are definately on this list. We joke around that Cade and Lilly will get married someday(this started when Cade called her Lilly Edgerton and Lily just knew he did that because he wanted to marry her). Sharlet is always telling me another funny story of what Lilly has said. The latest: She turns to Dylan during dinner and tells him, "I love you Dylan, but I'm marrying the boy who is sitting across from me(Cade). Of course Dylan and Cade had no comment. Then she told her mom that Chad will be the Grandpa to her children. So Lilly...who knows what will happen someday...but we would love to have you as part of our family!

The second picture was taken after Dylan and Cade's wrestling match and Jack's itty bitty sports. I'd say Lacey and Jace are more like family than friends. I was roomates with their mom and Chad was roomates with their dad in college. We still hang out with each other and our kids have now become good friends too.

The third picture is Cade and his buddy Ethan. We were hoping they would be in the same kindergarten class together. Unfortunately out of all the people we know going into kindergarten this year....Cade didn't even have one of them in his class. Although there are 10 kindergarten classes at his school. He still gets to play with Ethan at Lunch and at church and he loves going to play at his house or having him over to play at ours.

All of Dylan's closest friends have moved away in the last year with the exception of Lilly, Grace, Lacey and Jace. Dylan has no problems meeting new friends. He always has a handful. He is definately the most outgoing in our family.


Sharlet said...

Hurray! More posts! So cute! Thanks for the shout out. You know we Doxey girls love our Edgerton boys. Keep the fun posts coming.

Melissa said...

I can't get over how fast our kids are growing up! Are Steve and Amy's kids in the second picture, then? How fun that your kids get to grow up together!

Tom and Sharlet said...
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Tom and Sharlet said...

I messed up on my other comment.. sorry about that. I just wanted to know why there isn't a picture of me, chad, and 'san tan' under the Friends section of your last post.

Heather Humphreys said...

Look at you all cute and bloggy! Way to go! And i love that photo of Cade & Ethan - - could I get a copy?