Saturday, November 15, 2008

Halloween Night

"I AM HULK!!!"

"Don't make me won't like me if I get angry!!!" Jack loved being the Hulk. It was fun for us to make his costume too.

The boys were vampires this year. They wanted to be vampires last year and Chad and I talked them into being old men instead. They were excited. On Halloween night we realized we didn't have enough white paint. I went to the store to get some more and I couldn't believe how packed it was with everyone trying to find a last minute costume. Needless to say all the paints were wiped out. So Dad had to do what he could to get it on both boys. I think he did a good job.


Gavin was a ghost for his first Halloween. He didn't wear his costume for very long. He wouldn't let me give him a black nose either. It smeared all over his face. When Caden was a baby he let me do it (he was only 6 months though). He wouldn't put his hands into the holes and he crawled and got his outfit all dirty within minutes. What a cutie!

This is the only picture we got at trunk or treat this year and Chad took it. I was too busy taking care of Gavin. He isn't walking yet and he wanted to crawl, which I didn't want him to do in the parking lot so he put up a fight at times. This is the first year I passed out the candy...Chad usually does that. It was kind of nice to just sit down. Trunk or treat was alot of's my favorite ward activity. The only night our ward could get trunt or treat was Halloween this year. I like it best when it's a different night because that means two nights of fun. We usually have good food, trick or treat around the neighborhood and get some fold out chairs and sit out in front of the house and pass out candy. We also make homemade candy apples drenched in chocolate,chocolate chips and crushed Oreos. That's okay...we can look forward to that next year. The positive thing out of this was that I didn't have to paint Jack up twice. :-)

Green bath water. The green paint was a little harder to get off than I thought it would be. Not bad, but not that easy either. When we were done emptying the green water I had to scrub the bathtub really good to get all the green off.


Melissa said...

You have been a busy blogger these past few days! I love the pictures of the boys in their Halloween costumes and you guys did a great job with the paint. The picture of the green bath water cracks me up! Trunk or treat is one of my favorite ward activities, too, but I also like it when it's on a night other than Halloween.

Bobbi Phillips said...

Shannon the kids look great!! You look cute in the picture by the car. I didn't know you dressed up too. I hope Kinzi starts liking would be fun to get her all dressed up cute. Hopefully next year. She was NOT liking it this year. None of my wards have ever done a trunk or sounds fun though.

Melanie, Who am I ? said...

Oh My Goodness Shannon, I can't believe you have 4 boys! They are beautiful. I found you off of Ruth's Blog. I don't remember her saying you had a bunch of boys. Looks like life is treating you well. Stop by and say hi at my blog sometime.

Unknown said...

You got some awesome pictures - the green paint in the tub is classic! Love those costumes.

Momma McGee said...

You guys do the coolest Halloween Costumes EVER!!! Looks like a blast.

Anonymous said...

You ALWAYS have the BEST costumes...seriously LOVE Hulk...hilarious. Love the shredded pants. You are such a fun mom...I could only aspire to be!