Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight at Midnight (11/21/08)

My sister in law, Stephanie, and her roommate Bridget came to visit us for the weekend from Utah. One of their friends got married on Thursday. They flew in early that morning went to the luncheon, reception and then it was off to see Twilight at the midnight showing. On top of it all they both had colds. They are young college students though so they can handle it. I on the other hand being a mother of four was worried I wouldn't stay awake past the credits. I can't remember the last time I was up past tweleve.

Steph and Bridget made us t-shirts. I thought it was so sweet of them to think of me and make me one too. I thought they did a great job on the shirts. Bridget wasn't as happy with hers as she experimented by putting a vampire on the front of hers. She says she "took one for the team":-)

Here's our self portrait before the movie started. There were nine theaters open at the theater we went to and we got there at 10:00 pm....out of all nine theaters the best seats we could find were the fifth row from the front. I had heard people were waiting since 1, 3, and 5 o'clock. Wow.

Another self portrait of us eating popcorn. I thought it was fun being a part of all the excitment. I had never been to a midnight showing before. It was fun being in a theater that packed too. Highlights of the night would include getting to see the new previews for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and when the movie started some guy yelled out, "Edwards ugly" and some girl yelled back, "You're just jealous". That was pretty funny. I thought the movie was good. It beat my expectations. I thought they did a good job staying close to the book. I had a great time and yes I did stay awake the whole time. Went to bed at 3:00 a.m. and woke up at 8:00 a.m. The girls slept in til 11:00 a.m. Another benefit of being a college student. I thought it was fun being a part of all the excitment.


Melissa said...

I didn't realize you were into Twilight, too! I think I am probably the only person who hasn't seen it yet. My sister in law and I are going (hopefully with my mom, too) tomorrow night. Cute pictures and shirts, by the way!

Anonymous said...

I liked the movie too. Fun night...late night, but worth all the fun! LOVe the shirts!

The Smiths said...

Don't tell me you're into the whole "Twilight" craze too?!?! I'm sure I'll end up seeing the movie when it comes out on DVD. I read that it the special effects were pretty lame and Josh says it looks like a show that would play on the WB! hee hee. He hasn't read the books, but got tired of hearing me complain about them.
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being equivalent to "Titanic" and the number of times we saw that, how does Twilight rate?

Sharlet said...

So I still haven't seen it. I totally should have gone with you guys. Oh well, last night I couldn't even stay awake until midnight, so I guess I made a right choice. Oh how I've changed since college! Glad you had fun.