Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Schnepf Farms (10/16/08)

Our family loves to go to Schnepf Farms in October. We went last year and decided this had to be a family tradition to start off our Halloween and fall season. Since it is still so hot this time of year it helps us realize fall has begun. Chad took a vacation day and the kids were on fall break.

The roller coaster ride is by far our favorite. We go on the other rides some, but the coaster we go on over and over and over. Chad and I took turns watching Gavin while the other went with the older boys. Last year Jack wasn't big enough to ride and he cried and cried. I was 8 months pregnant with Gavin at the time so I just stayed with Jack. This year he was tall enough and he loved it. So did I. I love the look on the kids faces in the picture with Chad.

We saw the Billy Bob pig races. Billy Bob would pick 3 or 4 kids to come up and pick a pig to race and if they won they got a big plastic pig nose to wear. Billy Bob then picked 3 adults for the goat races and I was one of them. Of course I had to pick the blue bandana in the middle since all of my boys favorite color is blue. My goat was in the lead and we thought he was going to win but then he hopped the fence. The lady on the end there won. Oh well....sorry boys.

Chad took the boys on a ride in these pedal pushing carts. When he got back he asked if I wanted to take Cade and Jack. Dylan took off to ride a singleton bike. Sure..why not...looks like fun. Oh, My!!!!! First of all, Cade and Jacks feet don't hit the pedals so I was the only one pushing them. Second of all, there were a ton of hills once you went around the bend. When I came out the exit I had to call Chad over to bring the car the rest of the way in. That was embarrasing since there was a guy and his family waiting behind me. He was nice about it though. My legs hurt for days after that workout.

While on the go carts Gavin hung out in the hay. I think he was very happy to get out of his stroller.

We were close to going home now and the boys wanted to play on the big haystack.

The boys had a blast as did mom and dad. We ate some really good food and snacks and ended the night at the Sweet Candy Shop. That's how we ended it last year too. We missed the fireworks this year because we were so tired we couldn't wait another hour. We did see them last year...that's enough to hold us. They all fell asleep on the way home except for Dylan.


Chad, Shannon and the boys said...

Sonia...If you see this add me to your blog. My email is

Melissa said...

Such cute pictures. I love the one of you and the boys on the hay. Isn't it crazy to be wearing shorts still at this time of year? We've actually had a few cooler days this week, so I've had to dig out some of my warmer clothes.

Momma McGee said...

Wat a fun way to kick off the season. It looks like a blast! I am jealous of your "non-coat wearing" October.

Sharlet said...

I do love your roller coaster pictures. You caught the expressions well and you cart pedalling cracked me up!