Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Last Years Halloween Costumes

Here are my two little old men with horse shoe haircuts. For those of you who didn't see their costumes from last year....YES we DID shave their heads!!! It was soooo much fun putting together these costumes. With Caden's small frame he reminded me of a miniture President Hinkley.

Jack Jack was a snow boarder. The only problem was that it was kind of warm here in Arizona. He was happy to take the sweater off when it was time.

Here are pictures of the work in progress. I know Cade looks sad here, but he really isn't. He was just posing for the camera. So was Dylan. They were both so excited to shave their heads. We were going to get them bald caps at first, but the boys wouldn't have of it...they wanted to be shaved bald on the top!!!


Bobbi Phillips said...

What are the boys this year for halloween? I haven't been able to find anything for Kinzi yet.
I finally started a blog...still need to get pics posted but it's under
That sucks we missed Chad when he was in SL for work...wish we could have visited.

Sharlet said...

The old men were the best costumes. Tom and I still laugh remembering. You have a lot to live up to this year! :)

Melissa said...

Such creative costumes! I always have the hardest time coming up with ideas for Halloween costumes.

Heather Humphreys said...

those were by far the best costumes last year! I loved them! Ok, so my new blog address is

Momma McGee said...

You are so brave to let your boys shave their heads like that. Too cute/funny- so creative!