Monday, October 13, 2008

My Top Ten

Melissa tagged me on her blog to list the top 10 things I can't live without. Mel...when I was doing this I thought it was my top 10 favorite things. So, yes I can live without some of these things even though I may not want to because..well, they are my top 10 favorite things.

My number one top thing is: the gospel. I couldn't imagine where I would be in my life without it and this would also fall under something I couldn't live without.

My family: Obviously one of my top favorite things and something I couldn't live without. They are everything to me. We don't have a current family picture with Gavin so I added a picture of him. Next month we hope to have a family picture with our newest addition. Jack has changed so much in that top picture from two years ago.

Friends: Also...can't live without. I love my friends...old and new. Some I keep in better contact with than others, but that doesn't change the way I feel about them. Sadly...the closer I live to you...the better in contact I keep. That is why I am so thankful for blogging. It has helped me to reconnect with friends that me alot to me. So I may be beating a dead horse.... but Bobbi, Lacey, Amy and all need to start that blog soon. And Elaine...I'm happy to see you put more photo's on your photography blog. I'm still waiting for your family blog to get started too.

Food and Cooking: I love to cook and anyone who knows me well knows I love to eat! I can live without cooking I suppose but I can't live without eating.

Shopping: I love to shop. I love to shop for everything except groceries (unless I need to get out of the house for a break and Chad's watching the kids...then I don't mind). :-) Something I can live without if I must.

Diet Coke: Melissa, you and I both. I think college is where I picked up this habit. Use to be something that I couldn't live without. Since I have been pregnant or nursing the last 20 months I have learned to live without it. I still love it though. In the next month I'm hoping not to make a daily habit of it again. Instead I hope to just drink it when I go out to eat. Wish me luck.

Ice Cream: Like it. Love it. Gotta have it. Gotta have it every time. I love every form of ice cream. Cone, sundae, ice cream cake, popsicle, Dibs, ice cream name it. My favorite homemade lime ice cream. Thanks Erin for introducing that to me in college. That will forever be a favorite.

Fall and Holidays: I love fall and the start of all the holidays that follow. To me it is a time where families get together and I love that.

Photography: A new found favorite going on two and a half years now. I love taking pictures, photoshop, scrapbooking and now blogging. I have a long way to go in perfecting my photography, but I'm enjoying the ride.

Reading: I love to read. I posted the two books I'm reading right now..."Eclipse" and "To Draw Closer To God". I know I'm reading two books at the same time, but ones fiction and the other isn' that helps. Other books I've read this year are: The Kite Runner, The Secret Between Us, Twlight, New Moon, Turnaround, and Before the Dawn. Also...not to mention all the kids books my children like me to read to them, which I also enjoy doing. I haven't read as much as I would have liked this year, but not bad when you have a family of 6 to take care of and other hobbies such as photos and scrapbooking.

Thanks Mel for the tag. This was my first one. Let's see...who do I want to tag for the first time? Sharlet and Carlene. You're officially tagged.


Melissa said...

I love reading these because it makes me think of things that I would have added to mine (like how did I forget the gospel? Yikes! ...and I think I might like Mexican food more than chocolate, but completely left that one off!) I didn't realize you were into the Twilight books also! (and I didn't know Carlene had a blog!)

Sharlet said...

Really! You're tagging me? Okay, well I need to catch up on a few posts, so give me some time and we'll see! I like all your pictures though! You did a cute job.